Monday, February 4, 2013

Life Lessons and Jenga

So, this is a little knew for a post on the blog. I didn't want to make this about spiritual experiences, or the fact that God has our lives figured, but today's moments have led me to see that this is the most important thing I have ever learned in my life. The sum of all grace in one, definite moment. I still tremble, hours later, and I can't explain the joy that it has brought me.

My relationship, this life that I've pursued for so much time now, has come to a close. It was completely mutual, and though it wasn't what I wanted, it's exactly what I needed. I didn't realize it at the time, but I'm glad that it happened. If it hadn't, I would still be hung up on that. Now's when I have to heed my own advice, deal with that 'rejection' of sorts, and move on with my life. But to the point!

Jenga is a simple game. It's all about moving wooden blocks around so that the tower stays intact as you try to build off of it. This can be referenced with our lives. While playing this game today, I realized that it is so easy for it to fall apart, just like life; we are constantly making decisions, some that have no risk, others that could influence the rest of our life. If we make the wrong one, even if we don't know for sure why we are making that choice, we can make our lives completely fall apart in one instant. Similarly, the tower may stand on only two blocks, and if one wrong move is made, the fragile structure comes tumbling down. My life was like that until now: anything could set me over the edge and I would have no clue how to help put it back together after that. But, what I didn't see where all the other people and all of the tools I had to help me know what to do and how to keep myself together.

I'm not saying that to figure out life you need to have a strong Come-to-Jesus moment, but for me it made all the difference. In everyday life, simple choices can have a big impact; not every decision will make or break our future, but many of those crucial moments can never be re-written. Once the dice are cast, there is no taking back that throw. But, we don't have to leave our lives to chance. We are in control of our destiny, and whatever higher power you believe in, be it a God, a Spirit, or some Force that helps guide and control life, it is there for you to hold to and be invested in. The Holy Spirit has shown me that light, and, though I feel that I was too far lost, I have been saved from that darkness. My trials are not over, but I'm coming out of that depression and sadness, and I'm open to the new choices that I have.

Do not leave your life up to one moment of chance. You have so much personal power! Be invested in that and you will find strenghts that you did not know you had access too. 'Often in times of greatest trial or opposition is when we see in ourselves the greatest amount of change.' I have no clue who said that, but it has stuck with me for so long. What it means is far beyond me, besides that we will find great change after we work to get through those dark times.

The tower of your life is made with the decisions that you make. Don't leave your life in someone else's hands. Only you can decide what you want to make of yourself. Never forget the powers that have been given to you in this life. You will find that, no matter how hard life gets, there is always a brighter end coming.

Trust in thyself and thy belief and you will find yourself stronger than anything that come at you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow... honestly I had my own personal experience with this, and I have had no idea how to put it in to words... and you, my friend, just did it for me.
