Wednesday, January 23, 2013

All a Matter of Time

So, unless you've just joined up reading, I think you've realized that Quotes are kinda big for me. So, every week, I think I'll be posting up a picture with some inspirational saying, probably something more to help me, but also for you all to understand why this is so important.

Life is never very straight forward; it twists and turns, often in directions that we didn't think could be possible at the time. Many times in our lives, surprises will find us, no matter how figured-out we think it may be. I'm just fully realizing this myself...

Worrying about life is one of the worst things we can do. If builds up fear and depression, and it often leads to closing ourselves off from those who want to help us see how full and wonderful life can be. Besides, if you worry about every little thing that crosses your way, you'll be left with nothing in your past but a bunch of fears and tears.

Everything comes at it's own pace and in it's own way. We may want things to come to us when we think it should, or maybe we expect that things will naturally just be what we want. This is not true; we have so little power over our lives, especially when it come to others. That fact has scared me for the past three months. Until now, I didn't even think about it like that. I just kept hoping for the hopless, foolishly blind to truth and reason. After stepping back, breathing in fresh air and thinking it over, I've realized that I've been wrong ever since I started this venture.

Everything comes in a matter of time. It may take days, years, even a lifetime for things to become what we want of them. But, if it's meant to happen, it will. Just because it takes some time to come along doesn't mean it never will. It just isn't time for it yet. There are still other things that have to be realized first.

Don't worry about it. Just let yourself enjoy what you have, and be open to what will come. you'll never know how happy it will make you when it actually does become yours ;)

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